Organ Works




“Erhält Uns, Herr bei deinem Wort” – Dennis Northway


This partita was completed on 12 November, 1985 and was published in The Organist’s Companion in September, 1989.  The work is in six movements; a theme and five variations.  The theme incorporates motifs from the subsequent movements.  The first variation is a pastorella.  The second is a bicinium that is mirrored by fourth movement; they are identical but in two different keys.  The third movement is a Phrygian canon over an ostinato.  The fifth is a breathtakingly beautiful bicinium on a limpid flute theme against the choral melody.  The work closes with a fiery toccata. 



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Erhält Uns, Herr bei deinem Wort

Download: Erhält Uns, Herr bei deinem Wort




“Herr, Ich habe Misgehandelt” – Dennis Northway


Composed during a matinee performance of Gilbert & Sullivan’s “The Sorcerer” this organ trio was written on 3 May, 1987 and dedicated to

Timothy LaCroix.




NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Herr, Ich Habe Misgehandelt

Download: Herr, Ich Habe Misgehandelt




“Herzliebster Jesu” – Dennis Northway


Dedicated to friend and colleague Cathy Kaufmann, this

haunting setting was written 13 March, 1987.  It was subsequently

published in The Organist’s Companion.




NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Herzliebster Jesu

Download: Herzliebster Jesu



PASSACAGLIA (Opus 3) – Dennis Northway


Dedicated to Erik Goldstrom dated 27 July, 1986, it is a work containing canon, double canon, choral-like gestures; all within a Passacaglia setting of light-to-moderate difficulty.  It was subsequently published in the venerable Saint Cecilia Series of then Belwin Mills in 1995; it is permanently out of print.




NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Passacaglia

Download: Passacaglia





“Schmücke Dich, O Liebe Seele” – Dennis Northway


This refreshing bicinium was written in the 1980’s (manuscript currently lost) and was published in The Organist’s Companion in February, 1986.  There is a misprint in the published edition; the first ending repeat sign should not be at the end of measure 10, but at the end of measure 15.  There also seems to be a note missing at the end of measure 10.



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Schmücke Dich, O Liebe Seele

Download: Schmücke Dich, O Liebe Seele