Unaccompanied Anthems


The Aaronic Blessing – Dennis Northway


Composed in 1989 for four-part unaccompanied choir, it is a brief and lovely work.  The closing seven-fold “amen” moves from A minor to Ab minor and back.



The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.  The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.  Amen.




NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Aaronic Blessing

Download: Aaronic Blessing



Alabaster Boxes – Dennis Northway


Commissioned  by the Heritage Chorale of Oak Park, Illinois

in celebration of their anniversary in 2004 for unaccompanied choir,

 it is a haunting work. 



Do not keep the Alabster boxes of your love and tenderness sealed up until your friends

are dead.  Fill their lives with sweetness, speak approving, cheering words

while their ears can hear them and their hearts can be thrilled

and made happier by them.  The kind things you mean to say

to them when they are gone, say them now before they go.



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Alabaster Boxes

Download: Alabaster Boxes



Ave Verum Corpus – Dennis Northway


Composed in November of 1987, this is a ”Distler-esque”

setting of the text with a canon between the upper

and lower pairs of voices.  It is brief, arid and haunting.



Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary who has truly suffered, was sacrificed on

the cross for mortals, whose side was pierced, whence flowed water and blood:

be for us a foretaste of heaven during our final examining.  O Jesu sweet, O Jesu pure,

O Jesu, Son of Mary, have mercy upon me.  Amen.



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Ave Verum Corpus

Download: Ave Verum Corpus



Is Not this the Fast that I Choose – Dennis Northway


Composed in January, 2004, this was written for the ordination

to the diaconate of Deacon Dale Bennett formerly of

Grace Episcopal Church, Oak Park, IL for SATB unaccompanied. 

It is a firm and powerful setting of the Isaiah text.



Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to

undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free and to

break every yoke?  Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,

and bring the homeless poor into your house, when you see the naked

to cover them and not to hide yoursef from your own kin?

Then your light shall shall break forth like the dawn and your healing

shall rise up quickly.  Then you shall call and the LORD will answer,

you shall cry for help and He will say,

“Here I am.”

Isaiah 58: 6 - 8a, 9



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Is Not This The Fast That I Choose

Download: Is Not This The Fast That I Choose



Non Sunt Abscondita a Filiius Eorum

 – Dennis Northway


Composed for the baptism of Stephen Legendre on

15 April, 2006 atGrace Episcopal Church, Oak Park, IL

for SATB unaccompanied. 

It is a lovely setting of the Psalm text.



Non sunt abscondita a filiius eorum a generatione sequenti narrante laudes

Domine et potentiam eius et mirabilia eius quae fecit. 

Ut ponant in Deo spem suam et non obliviscantur cogitationum eius

et mandata eius custodiant.


We will not hide God’s laws from our children; we will tell to the generation

To come the praises of the LORD, and His strength and the wonderful

Works that He has done.  So that they might set their hope in God and not forget

The works of God, but keep His commandments.

- Psalm 78: 4, 7




NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Non Sunt Abscondita a Filiis Eorum

Download: Non Sunt Abscondita a Filiis Eorum



A Prayer of St. Francis – Dennis Northway


Composed for the Baptism of

Samuel Peter Skean, formerly of

Grace Episcopal Church, Oak Park, IL

for SATB unaccompanied in 2002. 

It is a lovely setting of the Psalm text.



Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.  Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt,

faith; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.  Grant that I

may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to

understand; to be loved, as to love.  For is is in giving that we receive; it is in

pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: A Prayer of St. Francis

Download: A Prayer of St. Francis




Ego Dilecto Meo – Dennis Northway


Composed in celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary of

Sarah and Cliff Hunt of

Grace Episcopal Church, Oak Park, IL

for SATB unaccompanied in 2006. 

It is a lovely setting of the Song of Solomon text, with a special hidden tune.



I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.

Song of Solomon 6:3



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Ego Dilecto Meo

Download: Ego Dilecto Meo





O Taste and See – Dennis Northway


Composed in celebration of the 10th ordination anniversary of the

Rev. Dr. Michael Johnston, former rector of

Grace Episcopal Church, Oak Park, IL

for SATB unaccompanied in 2002. 

It is a lovely setting of the Psalm text.



O taste and see how gracious the Lord is.  Blest are we who find haven in you.

Psalm 34:8



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: O Taste and See

Download: O Taste and See





Oh What Their Joy – Dennis Northway


Composed to celebrate the life and teaching ministry of Mr. Carl Burger and as a tribute to Mr. E. John Efting.

It is an Anglican setting of the Peter Abelard poem. 



O what their joy and their glory must be, those endless Sabbaths the blessed ones see!

Crowns for the valiant, to weary ones rest; God shall be all and in all ever blest.

In new Jerusalem, joy shall be found, and blessings of peace shall forever abound;

Wish and fulfillment are not severed there.  Nor the thing prayed for come short of prayer.

We where no trouble, distraction can bring, safely the anthems of Zion shall sing;

While for you grace Lord, their voices of praise your blessed people shall ever more raise.

Now let us worship our Lord and our King, with joy we raise then our voices to sing,

Praise to Creator, and praise to the Son, praise to the Spirit, to God, three in one.

- Peter Abelard 1079 - 1142



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Oh What Their Joy

Download: Oh What Their Joy






Prayer of Devotion – Dennis Northway


Composed to celebrate the baptism of Julianna Rose Krebasch on 13 January, 2002.  It was composed in 2001.




still my soul that i might pray Thee

calm my mind, that i might hear Thee

light my vision, that i might see Thee

unveil m heart, that i might truly love Thee

bend my knee, that i might adore Thee

loosen my tongue that i might exalt Thee

come within, that i might know Thee,

give me wings, that i might ever sing Thee


Good morning Holy Spirit, I need you this day.  Fill me with your presence and guide me on my way.  O precious Holy Spirit, I need you every day; fill me with your love and in my heart please stay.



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Prayer of Devotion

Download: Prayer of Devotion





Psalm Two – Dennis Northway


Composed to celebrate the  baptism of Katrina Krebasch on 5 October, 2000 at Grace Episcopal Church, in Oak Park, IL it is an unaccompanied setting of a Caryl A. Porter poem. 



Blest is she who touches mystery; who is not caught and held only by what she knows.  How can she know the ways of the sun if she does not know the ways of the moon?  Sunflowers need not count their seeds, nor bees reveal the secrets of their hives.  The planet turns on one long perfect tone and woman's song echoes the planets turning.  She is secure in Love which is the Other Name. – Caryl A. Porter



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Psalm Two

Download: Psalm Two





The Poor Shall Eat and be Satisfied – Dennis Northway


Composed to celebrate the ordination of Jon Baumgarten of Grace Episcopal Church, Oak Park, IL to the diaconate.  It is dated 27 December, 2003.




The poor shall eat and be satisfied, and those who seek the LORD shall praise him: “May your heart live forever!”  All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations bow before him. – Psalm 22:25-26




NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: The Poor Shall Eat and be Satistfied

Download: The Poor Shall Eat and be Satistfied





What Does the Lord Require of You? – Dennis Northway


Composed to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the ordination of Shawn Schreiner on 25 March, 2007 at Grace Episcopal Church, in Oak Park, IL.  It was composed in Cleveland, OH on the Madrigal Choir tour and is dated 17 March, 2007.  



What does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy

and to walk humbly with your God?

– Micah 6:8



NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: What Does the Lord Require of You?

Download: What Does the Lord Require of You?





Love’s as Warm as Tears – Dennis Northway


Written for a wedding, this incredible poem of C. S. Lewis begs for a minimalist setting of the text.   It dates from 23 June, 1996.




Love's as warm as tears, Love is tears: Pressure within the brain, tension at the throat, Deluge, weeks of rain, Haystacks afloat, Featureless seas between Hedges, where once was green.  Love's as fierce as fire, Love is Fire: All sorts infernal heat Clinkered with greed and pride, Lyric desire sharp-sweet, Laughing even when denied and that empyreal flame Whence all loves came.  Love's as fresh as spring, Love is spring: Birdsong hung in the air, Cool smells in a wood, Whispering 'Dare! Dare! To sap to blood Telling 'Ease, saftey rest, Are good; not best.'  Love's as hard as nails, Love is nails; blunt, thick, hammered through the medial nerves of One, Who having made us, knew The things He had done, Seeing (with all that is) Our cross, and His. - Clive Staples Lewis





NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Love's as Warm as Tears

Download: Love's as Warm as Tears




Nunc Dimittis – Dennis Northway


Composed to be sung by  the Madrigal Choir  of Grace Episcopal Church, Oak Park, IL at Evensong at Washington National Cathedral

for SATB unaccompanied in Spring 2004. 

It is a minimalist setting of the canticle.



Lord, you now have set your servant free to go in peace as you have promised;  for these eyes of mine have seen the Savior, whom you have prepared for all the world to see: a Light to enlighten the nations, and the glory of your people Israel.  Glory to the Father, and to the  Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.




NOTE!  Click on the sound file below first, then open the pdf.


Play: Nunc Dimitis

Download: Nunc Dimitis